Friday, December 11, 2015

The Styles I Write In

It's time for another mini-series! This mini-series is going to be personal, unlike the other mini-series. The other miniseries require that I do some research and come up with an OPINION of my own. They're a creative way for me to get more invested in the work I wish to do. I have not however written a miniseries that centers on the form of writing that I enjoy. Prompts don't count because they're writing exercises and are not of my own creation.

Since this is more focused on my current ability and how I wish to grow, I have to do some soul searching! Don't worry it won't take too long since it's about writing skills not how to solve all of the world's problems. The mini-series is going to be in three parts.
  • Everyone's a Poet.
  • When does a Short Story become a Book?
  • Novels and Book Series, I Want to do Both!
The conversation will be on my feelings about the three, my confidence in writing in these different forms of literature, and what areas I believe I need to improve on. Hopefully, I won't be rambling on and on while talking about these subjects. Well, that's all for this talk and Happy Holidays!