Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fashionable Clothes

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Looking stylish isn't enough,
You must look better than anyone.
Worry not, the tailors and personal shoppers
will help you out.
Fresh clothes, sleek shoes, glittering bling, and
a sexy aroma.
Everyone is looking your way.
Catching everyone's eye until
Another steals the envious looks.
Stylist, hairdresser, makeup artist revamp your look.
Outshine the person who dares to steal the spotlight.
Breaths of awe, roaring applause.
The limelight is where you belong.
Only for another to take away your earned attention,
As the cycle rewinds again,
Look after look, striking down those who attempt
to take your limelight.
Over and over again,
You keep losing the attention of others.
Recycling the awe you gained from when all eyes
were on you.
Wanting to relive that moment,
Never again,
Unlike you, the newer fashion icons live in that moment
You wish for.