Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Profitable Casino

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Greetings, have your eyes wide open.
Take in every sound and sight.
Place a bet, push forth your chips,
Let the game commence.
The game is going in your favor,
Have a drink or two.
Widen your grin,
The fun is only going to get better.
You've won!
Next game, new bet, a fresh challenger
Who is also a guest?
Both of you are likely to win,
The Beast Hotel only has happy customers.
Again and again, place forth your chips.
The bets are made,
As the game commences,
Over and over money is lost and won.
Gamble as another game lures you in.
Another chance to gain more riches.
More and more you can gain,
Challenge other guests to line your pockets.
You may bet them anything they have,
even their personhood.
The higher the bet, the greater reward.
New bets, new rewards
This is a profitable risk.