Monday, December 7, 2015

Do Holiday Movies Need to Suck?

So as you know it's December, and that means marketing to consumers so they can get into the holiday spirit and buy whatever it is that's popular. But our conversation today isn't about shopping. Which is weird because shopping is one of my hobbies. Our little talk by fire is going to be about holiday movies.

First off, why are there so many of them? I don't know but I think it has something to do with money. Secondly, why are so many of them bad? My guess is because the creators forget to make a good movie. That's kind of a problem when you think about it. The movie may have something to do with the holidays, but it still needs to be able to stand on it's own without the holiday attached to it.

But there are holiday movies that lightens our spirits and gets us ready to fight off the other shoppers because you so totally saw that toy for your niece first and granny isn't going to get it. The number of holiday movies increase during winter season. Which makes you want to stay inside and watch Netflix.

All we can do is watch the movies that really do have the holiday spirit and quietly forget about the ones that leave a bad taste in our month. In other news I shall be putting up another writing prompt for you to read. So be ready for that and we'll talk later.