Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Person in White

 This summer has been too hot for comfort. If you're interested in supporting my writing, head over to patreon. You can also buy my poetry book and leave a review.

Every March 1st, a man in white appears before an old office building. After a few minutes, he enters the busy structure. The man joins the frenzy of co-workers rushing about. They're weighed down by long hours and little rest. Everyone moves about in a trance, barely missing each other. Despite the heat of working bodies in an increasingly warming place, not a drop of sweat dampened the man in white. Reaching a seemingly random row of cubicles, the man in white makes his way to a depersonalized desk. A discolored nametag that reads Matthew causes the ghost to disappear. END.

I'm not going to get into politics, but remember to vote. If you care about democracy, vote blue.