It's the end of 2022, and we are off to 2023. If you're interested in supporting a small creator, go support me on Patreon or through Paypal.Me. There's also purchasing my poetry book "Living Day by Day: A Collection of Poems." The "Inquiring, Cheshire Cat" miniseries is starting January 2023, so be sure to come by and tell your friends and family.
Inside the moist cave, tears of crystalized water fall and sing of forgotten dreams. The echoing despair eats at the mountain of treasures. Djinn lamps, gold slippers, and magic mirrors stand out among the piles of great wonders. But the torch lights are dim, and the chill of the cave claws its way to the bones. With such low light, one shin gets easily cut by stones. Leaving the bottom half of your leg dressed in red blood. It's fitting in a way as red has always been a passionate color and decorates the cave. Rubies, garnets, and burgundy silks cloth long dead bodies. Is it possible that these lost souls found themselves trapped? Or did they willingly enter the cave? Forgetting who they were as the gold and gems sang to them. Who knows, for their ears have long since decayed and fallen off.
Deeper into the depths, there are still treasures left. But the glamour has long worn out. Nothing within excites the mind. It's just a gaudy pile of things with skeletons popping out here and there. Who they were when alive matters not, for they are just another gem amongst the gold. What pleasure is there to be found in this near darkness? Food and drink aren't provided; it will be long until another body joins the pile. The dust coating the floor may be what is left from those long crushed under the weight of gold. But all that's left is to aimlessly wander the caves in dreaded wonder. So unforgiving this cave is, as you stay. And the song of falling crystalized water goes on, silencing the steps of the walking dead man.
Dreams of wealth have manifested inside the cave, and all who have a hunger for its safety find themselves wandering within the moist tunnels. The cruelty of such an existence would be laughable if not for the broken world. For it is only the security of wealth that has anyone chasing these impossible wonders. Damn the curse of greed that preys on those who fear looming poverty. The beautiful gems twinkle with mocking tales of happiness. The bitterness of acidic water fills the mouth with each inhale of the cave's air. A temporary spark of joy could be found in dressing oneself in silk gowns and slippers. Decorating each body part in jewelry, but the serotonin doesn't last long. As each passing second inside the belly of the cave leaves you hungering for more. But the gluttony of gold leaves you starved.
It's not long before you feel too drained to take another step forward. There's still so much of the cave to explore and tunnels brimming with worthless gold. But surely a brief break isn't going to prevent further exploration. Finding a plush silk pillow partially buried within the gold, resting seems possible. But, sitting upon the cushion, exhaustion takes over, and sleep invades the body. Glittering dreams terrorize the mind, making it impossible to leave the cave filled with uncountable wealth. And the hypnotic song of falling crystalized water lulls all who rested into a permanent sleep. And once more, the cave added another treasure to its endless tunnels. END.