Thursday, December 29, 2022

Guess What's Happening in the New Year

We're at the end of 2022, and I got one last end-of-the-year post in the wings for you. If you want me to post twice a month regularly, join my Patreon and become a patron. You can also purchase my poetry book, "Living Day by Day: A Collection of Poems," and leave a review. Think of it as a late Christmas present to me. The "Inquiring, Cheshire Cat" Miniseries will be starting January 2023 and will be the last miniseries posted on the Learning to Stand blog. I've been working on the "Inquiring, Cheshire Cat" miniseries since 2018, and creating these multi-chapter-length short stories is a lot of work. If you like my miniseries, join the $40 tier on my Patreon. You can also go through PayPal.Me if you're not interested in any of the above. Tell your friends and family about this and see you soon!