Hello everyone, it's that time again for the next blog post! If you want to vote on the December blog post, check out my patreon, and if you can become a patron. If you want to support me another way, please buy my poetry book "Living Day by Day: A Collection of Poems" and leave a review.
In the old country, the second son is sacrificed to the god, Wepwawet. The wolf head god takes the nameless second to transform them into warriors. Baptizing the infants in wolf blood, these babes are then raised to join the Wepwawet pack. The child's former blood kin can never see their sacrificed son again. His blood kin is now his fellows who follow Wepwawet. The warrior pack roams the desert, stalking outsiders. If the outsiders be a foe, the pack slaughters them all without care for age. Mangled bodies left behind are the only warning outsiders get. All praise Wepwawet! END.