Thursday, June 1, 2017

Patreon and why it matters to you and me.

If you've been around the internet sometime this past year you might have heard of the word Patreon. This is a new way to support artists and their work. The best part about it is that you can help them with nearly any amount of money you can offer. I say nearly because you do need to at least pay a dollar to the content creator you wish to support. Supporting a creator on Patreon allows them to deliver the things you like about their work in a timely fashion. After all, the people you support have bills, school, work, etc. that they need to do themselves.  I know it's weird to do this but the digital age has opened up many options for creators and Patreon is one of them.

So, what's in it for you to support my Patreon? You get to be involved with my blog in many different ways. If you pay less than five dollars you get to view patron only posts and see the monthly post in different stages of completion and before it is posted on my blog. Five dollar patrons get to have their name or, a name they like, show up in a short story. Those who are the twenty-five dollar patrons get to pick out one of three writing prompt options; which will be posted first on Patreon and then on the blog. Also, only other twenty-five dollar patrons get to see the prompt chosen. The number of people who get this reward is limited. Those who pay the thirty dollar reward gets to be a part of my first editing and publishing adventure. The book is called Me and the Grandfather Clock and the number of people who can be involved in this process is also limited.

There are also goals which I wish to reach. The first is the hundred dollars goal which promises that I'll get a Twitter account. Next at hundred and fifty dollars is posting on my blog twice a month. Lastly, for now at least, is the three hundred dollars goal which will kick start the process of editing and publishing the Me and the Grandfather Clock book. Naturally once that goal is reached other goals and rewards will be added to my Patreon. Such as, when the hundred dollars goal is reached a new award will be added. Another reward I want to add is a beta reader. This will be for those what to be a part of bigger projects and wish to make it as perfect as possible.

Naturally, when you become a part of my Patreon you can be a part of the community and share thoughts of what you want to see in on my blog. Also if you can't give a dollar to my Patreon, a thing that you can do easily is leave a comment on my posts and share my blog with your friends and family. It will amazing to hear from all of you and it is necessary for me to know so that I keep putting out the things you wish to read. My blog is a showcase for my writing and it is a consumer product, and I need the consumer to be involved with it. I hope I didn't scare you away with this post but it needs to be said in order for me to continue on with this blog.