Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Can I Eat Turkey Before I Eat Gumbo

If you don't know what gumbo is just google to find out, but I'm sure we all know what a turkey is. If you don't, then you can google that too. But here in the United States, there is this holiday known as Thanksgiving. We have this holiday to celebrate the Native Americans and the European immigrants putting aside their differences and becoming allies. Since I'm not a Native American and I don't feel like getting all of us depressed; I'll end the history lesson with that. The point of Thanksgiving is for friends and family to get together and spend the holiday with each other and being thankful for life.  Because big corporations can't make money off of happiness, Thanksgiving often gets skipped over for the December holidays since they're more profitable.

What's worse is that you can find (at least in the United States) Christmas related stuff in the summer.  Which is ridiculous because no one is thinking about Christmas in the summer.  There's no effort in just enjoying the season we're in now. I personally think that it harms us. There are many things you can do through out the year without attaching it to a holiday. You can be kind to your fellow man outside of December. I just want to take my time with the holidays and not be forced to feel whatever emotion that the corporations want me to feel. Like the feeling of spending money. Is that to hard to ask? Well for what it's worth lets have a nice November and a good Thanksgiving.