Friday, February 8, 2019

The Beast Hotel Miniseries

Hello and welcome to my blog. If you would like to support my blog please become a patron of my Patreon and view patron only written work and early access to blog updates. You can also support me by buying my poetry book "Living Day By Day" Kindle or "Living Day By Day" paperback.

The Beast Hotel Miniseries is going to be composed of different poems that all relate to each other. Each poem is about a different feature in the hotel as guests enjoy their stay there. There are a few staple characters that have poems about them but the main focus is the guests. Whether you as the reader insert yourself in the experience or a vague faceless person, I hope I manage to get you to immerse yourself in the poems.

Because I post once a month, The Beast Hotel poems will be posted one every month. This miniseries is in 12 parts if you would like me to post twice a month go visit my Patreon to help make that happen. I would like to post more often on my blog but I don't have the financial ability to so. Becoming a patron or buying my book does help with supporting my blog. If you cannot do either sharing my blog with friends and family is another way to help me.