Happy pride month, everyone! I hope you have all been good. I've been doing alright and have been making progress on the final miniseries "Inquiring, Cheshire Cat." Check out this post for further information. I will be posting the first part of the "Inquiring, Cheshire Cat" miniseries soon. If you want more details, join my Patreon. You can also support me by buying my poetry book, "Living Day by Day: A Collection of Poems" and leaving a review.
There once was a new boy who joined the neighborhood kids. His parents were divorced and had a tall wall splitting their house in half. This new boy gets nicknamed Humpty Dumpty as he would saddle this towering wall. The left side of him was on his father's side, and the right side of him was on his mother's side. Then he'll lean over left and right, showing off which parent he felt more similar to. When drifting to the right, he'll hop off the wall and spend that day with his mother. During the days he leaned left, he'll leap off the wall and have a fun day with his father. During the first summer weeks, the other children saw him doing this caused quite a fright. But in the mid-summer weeks, all the kids had grown used to his silly habit. As Humpty Dumpty did this quite often, the rest of the neighborhood children never worried that he'll fall. They all wondered if Humpty Dumpty did this before his parents divorced.
As summer ends and fall begins, all the children, including Humpty Dumpty, return to school. With school in, Humpty Dumpty doesn't scale the towering wall. Instead, he flipped a dime for which parent he'll stay with that day. If the coin lands on heads, then Humpty Dumpty stays with his mother. If it lands on tails, he goes with his father. However, none of the other children knew if that was what he decided. He could have changed which face represented which parent by the day. Throughout fall and most of the winter, Humpty Dumpty would flip his coin. The neighborhood kids started betting on which parent he would stay with for the day.
During the winter holidays, he once more sat atop the dividing wall. The towering wall had a blanket of snow and was likely terribly cold. But Humpty Dumpty didn't seem to mind. All the children are staring at him as he drifts left and right in a dramatic fashion. It was a truly frightening sight. And like the summer before, that was how Humpty Dumpty decided what parent he'd stay beside. When school was back in, he started flipping his coin again. As the snow melted and spring returned, he used his dime less and less. Then spring break came, and all the neighborhood children rejoiced. That week Humpty Dumpty stayed with his grandparents on his mother's side. The wall was lonely, but a week is short, and Humpty Dumpty was back again.
All through the spring, he sat atop that dividing wall despite still being in school. But saddling the wall was how he liked to decide which parent he was similar to. It was determined by the neighborhood children that Humpty Dumpty had done this before. Sometimes he would lean one way for a whole week. Beckoning to the other children, Humpty Dumpty makes a show of which parent he was like that week. No one saw it strange as he was half his mother and half his father. And either parent was awful, at least to the neighborhood kids. The children understood that they were more like one parent than the other. It makes sense to them. The days seem longer as summer gets closer, and Humpty Dumpty and the neighborhood kids try to rush time so summer could come faster. They had to be patient because time won't move swiftly to please a group of school children. Days, weeks, and months pass by. And at last, the school year was over, and summer was finally here.
Without distraction, Humpty Dumpty spent most of his time on the wall that divided his parents' house. On hot summer days, he would wear swim trunks and hose down the towering wall before he sat upon it. He did this every day, and on the hottest days, several neighborhood kids would ask to be hosed down by him. Of course, the children would be wearing bathing suits so their clothes wouldn't be soaked. With summer days dwindling, and fall on the horizon, talk of the new school year started to happen. The last few days became precious as the hope of an unending summer gets smashed. But there Humpty Dumpty was, tilting left and right. On a windy late summer day, Humpty Dumpty was leaning too hard on either side of the wall. Then the expected happen. A gush of wind thrust him forward. CRACK! Humpty Dumpty plunged onward and fractured in half. His right side plummeted towards his mother's side. And his left side crashed towards his father's side. Seeing Humpty Dumpty broken, everyone knew Humpty would never be whole again. END.