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"April showers bring May flowers, at least, that's what my grandma used to tell me."
1 April, XXXX
Recently Chad and I have been having trouble. I mean, he can't be bothered to text me when he's too busy to hang out. What type of boyfriend can't even text his girlfriend??? I don't even know why I'm putting up with this treatment! Whatever, I'll just get him to take me on a date soon to make it up to me.
My hair has also been so frizzy lately because of the weather. I hate dealing with this. I don't have enough hats to keep my hair covered! I want a snack.
OMG!!!! The new girl (Katie I think) in my class got knock up by a senior! I'm not even kidding there was a pregnancy test on the girl's bathroom floor and it had the plus sign on the screen. I, of course, didn't touch it! That would be gross.
In news closer to home Alex has been moody! I think her boyfriend has been neglecting her but who is to say. I remember Don who is now going to be renamed 'Jackass' said that "she must be on her period" enter eye roll. Way to be creative Jackass! It's not like a girl hasn't heard that one before. Just thinking about it makes me groan in annoyance. I got homework to do.
Later Diary!
Dear Diary,
The rain outside reflects my mood right now. Betty, my first and oldest dog, passed away. Not even Nana's saying about April showers and May flowers make me feel better. I know Betty was old but that doesn't mean I wanted the old girl to die. Lil' Peggy has been moping around as well since Betty died. Mom said we'll get another dog later this year so Peggy won't be lonely. It just feels like when that time comes it'll be too soon. It's late so I should probably get to bed soon.
I hope to be in a better mood,
2 April, XXXX
Alex seems to be breaking up with and getting back together with her boyfriend a lot lately. I wonder if the weather is making them do that more often? I don't know how she does it. I couldn't go back and forth like that if I was her. I have nothing more to say about this for now.
In a thinking mood,
Mr. Butthole chose me to partner up with this girl Jessica or something instead of my girl Becky! We would have gotten the class assignment done on time. We weren't even texting in class like someone I know(Chad) who was most likely trying to get on his girlfriend's good side again. But no, Becky and I seemed to be too loud for him. He seemed to forget that it was a partner project and you need to talk to your partner. It wasn't so bad because Jessica(I think) was okay to talk too. That doesn't mean I'm still not upset about it!
Whatever Later Diary!
Dear Jade,
I'm sending you this letter because I'm having trouble with my current boyfriend. I'm sure because of certain gossip you already know about that. I know it's been nearly a year since you broke up with your last boyfriend and I want some advice.
I know you're most likely busy because you have honor classes but I'm still hoping to receive some help from you. Write to me when you get the chance okay?
From, Alex
3 April, XXXX
Today I saw a rom-com and it was pretty good. Not so good that it replaces my favorite romance movie, but good enough. Going to the movie theater really is the only outdoor activity a girl can do these days; what with the rain going on nonstop.
By a frizzy hair,
Dear Alex,
I got your letter and yes I know about the gossip surrounding your boyfriend and you. While I have been out of the dating game recently the best advice I can give you is, do you really want to stay with him or not? This on again off again relationship has been going on since last year. You're the only one who knows if you want to keep this up. I'm sorry if this hasn't been enough help but this is all I can tell you.
From, Jade
4 April, XXXX
I've been thinking about my grandma recently and I just realize that I haven't seen her in weeks! What type of granddaughter am I! Though to be fair it's up to my parents to drive us there. Although the weather is crap and flash floods keep popping up on the news. How am I to see my grandma now??
By a grandchild,
5 April, XXXX
This just in the drama starring Alex and Chad has hit an all time high! Chad(I think) was seen with another girl who wasn't Alex! Alex fights back and gets into the car with another boy. Neither side is backing down or apologizing to the other. Though the two are still seen eating lunch together and making out whenever they get a chance. How can they have the other's tongue down their throat while they're still mad at each other? The next misstep is going to cost someone big time!
Later Diary,
So a rumor, with the help of Cassie, is going around about Alex and Chad. I honestly don't care about the rumor because it's not even made clear that Chad or Alex did the things that has our whole grade talking. This is not what Alex needs right now. But seriously the only people that need to know what's going on with Chad and Alex is Chad and Alex!
By an annoyed girl,
6 April, XXXX
I visited my grandma recently! She's so sweet! Too bad the weather's been horrible and I most likely won't see her again soon. She even made the chocolate cake that I love so much. I couldn't help but have two slices! She also said her cute little saying about the rain and flowers while I was there. Dad had to make sure her heater was working right because of this constant rain. Seeing as he isn't a mechanic I don't know what problems he was supposed to find. Either way, grandma was doing fine and even said she was happy to see me.
Dear Alex,
I hope my response was helpful in some way. I know we don't see enough of each other at school but I'm glad that you still messaged me for help. I only hope that your relationship with Chad goes smoothly from now on. Do keep in mind not to blow things out of proportion and focus on what's best for your relationship with him. Best of luck!
From, Jade
7 April, XXXX
I guess Chad has been doing a better job at being a boyfriend. He still needs to do more since there are still rumors going around. The ones about me aren't true! I can't believe he even had to ask about that! He's the one that keeps sending mixed messages. It's only because of the rumor about me with another guy that he's even bothered to have me meet his parents! What type of reason is that? Well, he promises to keep getting better and really I'm just the type of girl who can't help but give second chances. But any more mess ups from him and I might have to do something extreme.
Okay, so outside of Chad being hot, there isn't much to him outside of the normal high school boy stuff. I haven't gone to like talk to him but I'm sure that's all there is. I have a class with him and he's friends with Jackass so he might have an attitude problem as well. His hair has been pretty frizzy lately so, he's not has hot. I guess the rain doesn't help but he walks around like he's the best. Well, he did manage to get Alex to stay with him for this long so he must be doing something right.
Later Diary!
Looking at Chad and Alex's relationship reminds me of a soap opera. It keeps having it's highs and lows, soon enough someone is going to end up dead. That only happens on the dramas I watch. It also would be far more serious if it happened in real life. I can only hope that neither Alex nor Chad gets so upset that one of them becomes physical. Truthfully I don't know Chad enough to be a harsh judge, but the rumors surrounding them don't help.
By a worried cousin,
This creative writing blog contains poetry, flash fiction, and short stories. Everything in PURPLE is a link. Become a patron at www.patreon.com/svnight to support me.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Rainy Day Diaries
Hello, I'm Serenity V. Nightingale, and this blog is dedicated to polishing my skills as a writer. I've a number of poems and shorts stories written here to document my progress. But most of all, this blog is about giving willing readers an experience that'll make them want to come back again for another experience.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
The Current Status of the Blog
As of right now, I am putting the mini-series "We're Not Zombies" on hiatus. I was writing this story on the fly. It was an experiment to see how far I can run with a story without working on the fine details and outlining it. I feel that I did a good job, for a story that I didn't fully develop. I will not take down the chapters of this mini-series so you will be able to read it. It is very possible that I'll have a new version of this story up at a later date, but for now, I've decided to stop writing it. I will, however, start a new mini-series this month. With that said if you would like to support my blog please donate to my Patreon as it will help me follow my chosen career choice.
Hello, I'm Serenity V. Nightingale, and this blog is dedicated to polishing my skills as a writer. I've a number of poems and shorts stories written here to document my progress. But most of all, this blog is about giving willing readers an experience that'll make them want to come back again for another experience.
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